06-01-2022 16:34


Food Supplements are defined as "In order to support normal nutrition, concentrates or extracts of nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, protein, carbohydrates, fiber, fatty acids, amino acids, or plants, plant and animal origin substances, bioactive substances and similar substances that have nutritional or physiological effects, or products prepared by their mixtures in capsule, tablet, lozenge, disposable powder package, liquid ampoule, dropper bottle and other similar liquid or powder forms and whose daily intake dose is determined” by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. (*)

Food supplements; can be used in different ways such as obtaining plants, vitamins, amino acid components by extracts method, by using the plant itself or using   the raw materials of animal origin, in capsule, tablet and oil forms. Extract means plant sap in the simplest form. Plant saps which are obtained from the dried plants by using special extraction methods are called extracts. Also extract is used in the literature by healthcare professionals too.

Benefits of Food Supplements

We are not getting enough nutrition from the food we consume. Business life is so stressful and exhausting for all of us. Irreversible time effect is also added to these factors. Useful substances in our body are decreasing over time and our bodies are losing its vitality. Nature offers us many useful substances to restore the vitality lost by our hair, skin and organs.

The benefits of some food supplements determined in scientific studies;

  • • Pomegranate extract: It is used as a source of antioxidants. (2)
• Propolis extract:

Strengthens the immune system. (a)

Propolis is antibacterial. (b)

Propolis is a natural antibiotic and pain reliever. (c)

It is effective on bacterial and fungal diseases. (d)

  • • Artichoke extract: It has a protective effect on the liver. (e)
  • • Thistle extract: It has an aphrodisiac effect. (f) It has a cholesterol and blood sugar lowering effect. (g)
  • • Wild oleaster plantIt is known that both antioxidant properties and polyunsaturated fatty acid content are important for cardiovascular diseases.(3)

Omega-3 fatty acids which are animal originated food supplements are protect the heart with its ingredients, reduce the aging process of the brain, positively affect mental development in children and protect against cancer. (4)

• It is reported that food supplements used for hypertension (coenzym Q10, fish oil, garlic, vitamin c) can be useful in regulating and improving blood pressure. (5)
  •  Probiotics: It is known to help reduce gastrointestinal disturbances. (6)

• Persons who are interested in athleticism and active sports have shown increases in muscle mass and performance with usage of protein supplementation. (7)

Food Supplements for Athletes

Amateur or professional athletes with an active sports life may need food supplements for increase performance and joint pains that they suffer from time to time.

If you have any health problems or regularly used medications, it is recommended to use herbal products in consultation with healthcare professionals.



(1) Maughan, R.J., King, D.S., Lea, T. (2004). Dietary supplements. Journal of Sports Science, 22, 95-113.

(2) Li, Y., Guo, C., Yang, J., Wei, J., Xu, J., Cheng, S. (2006). Evaluation of antioxidant properties of pomegranate peel extract in comparison with pomegranate pulp extract. Food Chemistry, 96, 254-260

(a) Vijay D.Wagh ‘ Propolis: A Wonder Bees Product and Its Pharmacological Potentials’

(b) Ghisalberti, E.L., "Propolis : Areview” Bee World, 60 (2), 59-84 (1979).

(c) ERDEM, G.B., 2002. Propolisin Diş Çürüklüğü Oluşumuna Etkisinin Sıçan 46 HR.Ü.Z.F. Dergisi, 2012, 16(3) Doğan ve Hayoğlu 47 Dişlerinde Araştırılması. Teknik Arıcılık, 77, 27-28

(d) Kujumgiev, A., Bankova, V., Ignatova, A., and Popov, S., "Antibacterial activity of propolis, some of its components and analogs” Pharmazie, 48, 785–786 (1993)

(e) LC-MS/MS Analysis and Hepatoprotective Activity of Artichoke (Cynara scolymus L.) Leaves Extract against High Fat Diet-Induced Obesity in Rats

Maryem Ben Salem, 1 Kamilia Ksouda, 1 Raouia Dhouibi, 1 Slim Charfi, 2 Mouna Turki, 3 Serria Hammami, 1 Fatma Ayedi, 3 Zouheir Sahnoun, 1 Khaled Mounir Zeghal, 1 and Hanen Affescorresponding author 1

(f) GAUTHAMAN, K., ADAIKAN, P.G., PRASAD, R.N.V. (2002). Aphrodisiac properties of

Tribulus terrestris extract (Protodiosin) in normal and castrated rats. Life Science 71, 1385–1396

(g)LI, M., QU, W., WANG, Y., WAN, H., TIAN, C. (2002). Hypoglycemic effect of saponin from Tribulus terrestris. Zhong Yao Cai. 25(6): 420-2.

(3) Eccleston, C., Baoru, Y., Tahvonen, R., Kallio, H., Rimbach, G.H., Minihane, A.M. (2002). Effects of an antioxidant-rich juice (sea buckthorn) on risk factors for coronary heart disease in humans. The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, 13, 346-354

(4) Güzelsoy, N.A., İzgi, B. (2015). Optimization of Analytical Parameters in Determination of Metal Contaminants (As, Hg, Cd, Pb)  in Fish Oil Food Supplements. Journal of Food and Feed Science Technology, 15, 19-26.

(5) Rasmussen, C.B., Glisson, J.K. & Minor, D.S. (2012). Dietary supplements and hypertension: Potential benefits and precautions. The Journal of Clinical Hypertension, 14(7), 467-471.

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